

Attention mechanism is to solve the Information Overload problem by weighting more on the importance elementS during the trainning.

In [1]:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
print("Version: TensorFlow", tf.__version__)
Version: TensorFlow 2.5.0

Type of Attention

Category type of attention Example usage Advantage Disadvantage
Number of position hard
Xu et al., 2015
选取注意力分布中概率最高的输入向量,即最大采样, selects one patch of the image to attend to at a time,
i.e. maxpooling, gating, Reinforcement Learning
While less expensive at inference time hard to train due to non-differentiable and requires more complicated techniques
Number of position soft/global
MT Luong et. al, 2015
by gradient descent, weights are placed “softly" on value vector i.e. word vector, image pixel, channel non-local dependency,
long-term dependency
it has to attend to value on the source side for each key, which is High computational expensive
Number of position local
Xu et al.2015
MT Luong et. al, 2015
balance the trade of between soft/global and hard attention by manually restrict on receptive field avoiding the expensive computation, easier to train approach
Number of sequences distinctive Bahdanau et al., 2014 key and value are not the same
Number of sequences co-attention
J Lu · 2016
fuse attention with Cartesian product on attention map of query and key feature crosses
Number of sequences self-attention
A Vaswani, 2017
soft adressing that query and key are identical identical to soft attention
abstraction levels single-level attention weights are computed only for the original input sequence
abstraction levels multi-level
Zhao and Zhang, 2018
Z Yang et al., 2016
multiple attentions are applied in a sequential manner on multiple levels .
i.e. word to sentense to article
to understand different abstraction level of the input sequence from low to high
representation multi-representation
Kiela et al. , 2018
use different word embeddings for the same input sentence capture different aspects of the input through multiple feature representations
i.e. lexical, syntactic, visual and genre information
representation multi-dimensional
Lin et al. , 2017
determine the relevance of each dimension of the input embedding vector more effective sentence embedding representation and language understanding problem.


Soft attention

The most often use attention today is soft attention, which can use soft-addressing as the analogy.

Mechanism: soft addressing

Addressing is a processing that sending query to find a key in a source and extract the value corresponding to the key. Hard addressing always has one query match one key, becuase the matching query and key are exactly same, whereas soft addressing allow one query match multiple key and result multiple values.

  • Query: query to match other
  • Key: key to be matched
  • Value: information to be extracted

Calculation step

The calculation of attention include three step:

  1. Score function with Similarity: calculate the similarity of all key-value combination
  2. Alignment function with softmax: convert similarity scores to attention weights
  3. weighted summation: get a attention score by summing up the value adjusted with attention weights.

Score function with Similarity

$z_i = similarity(q,k)$

Similarity Formula for similarity(q,k) Computational complexity
Bahdanau additive style
tf.reduce_sum(tf.tanh(query + key), axis=-1)
Dot product
(luong multiplicative style)
tf.matmul(query, key, transpose_b=True)
$k^T q$ 点积注意力在实践中更快速且参数空间更高效,因为它能通过高度优化的矩阵乘法库并行地计算。 点积模型可以更好的利用矩阵乘积,计算效率更高。
Bilearning $k^T W q$
$= k^T (L^T H)q = (k L)^T (R q)$
Cosine similarity $\frac{k^T q}{\left|k\right| \left|q\right|}$
Scaled-Dot Attention $\frac{k^T q}{\sqrt{d}}$ 当输入向量的维度较高时,点积模型的值通常由较大的方差,从而导致 Softmax 函数的梯度会比较小。而缩放点积模型可以较好的解决这个问题。
(multihead-attention when head =1 )
$\frac{(W_k k)^T(W_q q)}{\sqrt{d}}$

Alignment function with softmax

softmax activation amplifies the important element (Value) of the input vector, resulting the importance weights $\alpha_i$ of each element:

$\alpha_i = \sigma(\vec{z}_{i}) = \frac{e^{z_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^{K} e^{z_j}}$


  • step 1. $e^{z_i}$ exponentially transforms each element of the input vector to $(0,\infty]$. The value will be very small if the input was negative, and very large if the input was large.
  • step 2. $\frac{e^{z_i}}{\sum_{j=1}^{K} e^{z_j}}$ normalization ensures that all the output values of the function will sum to 1 and each be in the range $(0, 1)$.

Weighted summation

Weighted summation aggregate the weighted score to a single attention score:

$attention(q, v) = v_i^*= \sum \alpha_i v_i$


  • step 1. $\alpha_i v_i$ adjusts by the attention weights.
  • step 2. $\sum \alpha_i v_i$ sums up the the weighted feature map .

Example code

In [2]:
# Query-value attention of shape [batch_size, Tq, filters].
query = tf.keras.Input(shape=[8, 16], name='query')
value = tf.keras.Input(shape=[4, 16], name='value')
In [3]:
# Bahdanau attention
Bahdanau_attention_seq = layers.AdditiveAttention(name = 'Bahdanau_attention_seq')([query, value])
model = keras.Model(
    inputs=[query, value],
keras.utils.plot_model(model, show_shapes=True)
In [4]:
# Luong attention
Luong_attention_seq = layers.Attention(name = 'Luong_attention_seq')([query, value])
model = keras.Model(
    inputs=[query, value],
keras.utils.plot_model(model, show_shapes=True)
In [5]:
# self attention
self_attention_seq = layers.MultiHeadAttention(num_heads=1, key_dim=2, name = 'MultiHead_attention_seq')(query, value)
model = keras.Model(
    inputs=[query, value],
keras.utils.plot_model(model, show_shapes=True)
In [6]:
# MultiHead attention
MultiHead_attention_seq = layers.MultiHeadAttention(num_heads=2, key_dim=2, name = 'MultiHead_attention_seq')(query, value)
model = keras.Model(
    inputs=[query, value],
keras.utils.plot_model(model, show_shapes=True)

CBAM module

CBAM module is a widely used attention module in computer vision that apply several types of attention.

Mechanism: Channel + spatial attention

CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module [https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.06521]

Calculation step

Channel attention module

  • Step 1. apply multiple representation, hard attention to result attention weights on each channel.
  • Step 2. aggregate then activated attention weights from all representations with pairwise addition.
  • Step 3. soft adressing the feature map with the aggregated channel-attention weights

Spatial attention module

  • Step 1. apply multiple representation, hard attention to result attention weights on each pixel.
  • Step 2. aggregate then activated attention weights from all representations with dimensionality reduction.
  • Step 3. soft adressing the feature map with the aggregated spatial-attention weights

Example code

In [7]:
def cbam_module(inputs,reduction_ratio=0.5,name=""):
    # Channel attention module

    maxpool_channel = layers.Flatten()(maxpool_channel)
    avgpool_channel = layers.Flatten()(avgpool_channel)

    mlp_2_max=tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(mlp_2_max, 1), 1)

    mlp_2_avg=tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(mlp_2_avg, 1), 1)

    # Spatial attention module
    conv_layer=layers.Conv2D(filters=1, kernel_size=(7, 7), padding="same", activation=None)(max_avg_pool_spatial)

    return refined_feature

input_img = keras.Input(shape=[64, 64, 3], name='image input')
refined_feature = cbam_module(input_img)
model = keras.Model(inputs = [input_img], outputs = [refined_feature])
keras.utils.plot_model(model, show_shapes=True)
In [ ]: